Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Days 21-25

I have been busy, which is why I haven´t been blogging every day. But it´s not like anyone actually reads this anyway! Haha :-)

Day 21: Picture of your favorite band/artist

My favorite band is probably Maná, although there are many others that I like too. For all those who don´t know, they are a Mexican rock band and they are fantastic!

My favorite artist is probably Mariah Carey, but I definitely prefer her older stuff to her newer stuff. There is just NOBODY who can compete with the range and pipes that she has!

Day 22: Picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

God. I couldn´t go a day without Him in my life. No way.

Day 23: Bible verse

One of my favorites is Jeremiah 29:11. It keeps me going every day and gives me hope for the future.

Day 24: Picture of something you want to do before you die

I would love to go on a Missions trip one day.

Day 25: Picture of someone who inspires you

My good friend from church, T. She is an amazing woman. She is so strong and graceful and is always positive. I admire her a lot and look up to her. I hope that I can be the wife and mother that she is one day. :-)


  1. I absolutely love Mana!! I was able to go to two concerts a few years ago and they never seem to let me down. Their concerts are amazing :)

  2. Me dejaste impactada con tus palabras Megan, nunca imaginé que pensara alguien así de mí, se me salieron las lagrimitas!!!! Gracias!
    p.d. pero tengo algo en contra, creo que en facebook tengo mejores fotos de mi!! jejejejejejejeje!!
    Esto ultimo es en broma!! smile!!!
